" T h e   c h a n g e   h a s   c o m e . "     

About Tender Buttons. Objects. 10/2 - 10/5/14. Rooms. 10/9 - 10/12/14. Food. 10/16 - 10/19/14. Buy Tickets.

Premiered October 2-5, 2014 at Theater for the New City, NYC

Directed by Gary Heidt
in collaboration with performers Sanae Buck, Cassandra V. Chopourian, Steven Dworkin,  Debra Disbrow,
firehorse the dj, Lauren Farber, Richard Gross, Gary Heidt and hitherto unmentioned members of The Fist of Kindness: Orin Buck, David Gould & Matt Metzgar
Music arranged and performed by Fist of Kindness
Music by Orin Buck, Cassandra V Chopourian, Debra Disbrow, Steven Dworkin, John Brian Evans, firehorse the dj, Jon Fisher, David Gould, Cupcake Gross, Jared Hayley, Gary Heidt and Kyungmi Lee
Knitted Costumes & FoK Environs by Bayard
Lighting Design by Christopher Weston
Stage Managed by A.J. Geddes
Board operated by Megan Horan
Videography by Sandra Contreras and Peter Dizzoza
Photography by Mark Gering

"A Fire" from OBJECTS, performed by Fist of Kindness

"A FIRE. What was the use of a whole time to send and not send if there was to be the kind of thing that made that come in. A letter was nicely sent. "

OBJECTS, the film

Tuesday July 28, 2015 at 7:30pm  ONE NIGHT ONLY
The premiere screening of OBJECTS, the film
Shot by Sandra Contrereas and Peter Dizzoza, and edited by Gary Heidt
at Art House Productions, 136 Magnolia Ave, Jersey City

DVDs of OBJECTS are available for purchase
Contact gary@vanreipen.org
$25 + shipping


Photo by Gary Heidt